Monday 5 December 2011

kim kardashion and kris humphries divorce

After just 72 days of marriage Kim Kardashian files for a divorce from husband Kris Humphries. The 31 year old Kim says she had a lot of men to choose from and chose Kris. She said she only married the 26 year old, Kris, hoping to grow some feelings for him but unfortunately that never happened. Kim Kardashian also hoped to be married to him forever and have a long and happy life together. But reports say that the whole wedding was a hoax. Neither Kim nor Kris have tweeted about their marriage and as for Kim “it wasn’t an easy decision.” Kris reveals that he is very upset as he has said “I love my wife and I am devasted to hear that she has filed for a divorce but I will try everything to make everything work.” This is one of the shortest marriages in the celebrity world!
By Xhesi Abdurahmani

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