Wednesday, 25 September 2013

meeting minutes

Minutes for marketing meeting
Agenda (information that will be discussed):
List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.
In your groups brainstorm/list ideas about your ideas radio show
Define your target audience using information about yourselves and your ideas.
Complete the proposal form


Item (what you are discussing)
Actions (ideas that were discussed with final decisions highlighted in yellow)
List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.

In your groups brainstorm/list ideas about your ideas radio show

Define your target audience using information about yourselves and your ideas.

Proposal for your radio station.

What is your radio station called?
Who is involved in your group?
Xhesi Abdurahmani, Lauren Young, Emma Cosgrove and  Jade Inwood
How is your radio station going to be funded?

What genre of music and shows are you going to feature on your radio station?

How will people be able to listen to your radio station?

Who is the target audience for your radio station?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, help me out here.
    Why have you put this work on your blog? This seems to be the questions but not the answers.

    When you come to planning your radio show question, make sure you are really clear about the specific target audience your show. Who will be the audience your show? I need more information than just their age and gender. What is the key information we should know about your audience that will make them want to listen, and also ensure that your content is appropriate for them?

    Mr Monahan
